What tools I took away after watching the Netflix documentary "Stutz"


This Netflix documentary had been on my radar to watch for a while and I finally sat down and had the opportunity to do so over the festive break. 

We meet Phil Stutz, a psychiatrist, alongside actor Jonah Hill, who has been an active patient of Stutz for a couple of years. Hill states, “I want other people to access his tools and teachings in a way to access them to make their lives better.” 

Stutz uses simple visual examples and wonderful dialogue, to explain his findings and processes throughout the documentary. I am going to break down what I took away from this amazing, candid and heartfelt interview. 

Tools - is a bridge between the issue - opportunity.

Life Force - is the first step, it is the sense of direction guiding you. Get yourself into a relationship with your unconscious. Write in a journal - it mirrors. 

Part X - is the judgment side of you, that invisible voice that wants to block your potential, the voice of impossibility. YOU CANNOT GET RID OF IT, YOU LEARN TO NAVIGATE THROUGH IT!

3 Aspects of Reality - Pain, Uncertainty and Constant Work. - we need it, or else we do not grow. Work on learning to love the process. THE WORSE THE ADVERSITY THE GREATER THE OPPORTUNITY.

String of Pearls - motivation. EACH ACTION, ALL HAVE EQUAL VALUE. (visualise it like a string of pearls, all linked, leading to positive outcomes). 

Shadow - WE ALL HAVE A SHADOW! Have to be able to see it, include it in your life - embrace it as a beautiful part of yourself. 

The Maze - is the product of Part X and it always involves other people. The more time you spend thinking about the person, experience or situation, the more you get lost in it. Instead of being trapped in those swirling thoughts, you can transform them back into being centered, present and in a higher vibration with the universe. 

The tool of Active Love is a process where you can send love to the injustices/people to help make you feel whole. TURNING YOUR TRAGEDY INTO A SUPER POWER! 

Every event that occurs in your life has something you can learn from. The will and faith that there is something within it that is valuable. If you stay in that ZONE you will create opportunities. The Grateful Flow is not the things you are grateful for but is the process of creating those things. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you find some of these points useful. Let me know!

Continue being a wonderful game changer,

Mel xxxxx


I attended the Gabby Bernstein Event!


World Brain Awareness Day