World Brain Awareness Day


A word that I did not expect to become such a big part of my daily dialogue is ‘brain.’

In 2022, entering the first full year of having a brain injury and being neurodiverse is now a continual process of learning to navigate the day-to-day functionings of my life. It has sent me on a journey of curiosity, intrigue, and fascination about all things brain, the body and human behaviour. 

I first came across Brain Awareness Day when jumping around different websites, fuelling my curiosity. Annually it falls on July 22nd, with each year highlighting a theme for us to reflect on, and to take stock in celebrating and acknowledging that wonderful complex organ that resides inside our skull.

This is the very thing that keeps us alive and supports us in how we make sense of the world around us. With more landmarks and named areas than other human body parts, there are no two brains that are the same, even between identical twins, in this world of 8 billion people! 

Often when we think of health and our body, it is very easy to make connections to our physical components. Our ability during exercise and what we achieve, as well as image, how my body is externally looking.  

So this is a little check-in to think about how you can look after your brain and activate that wonderful muscle in healthy ways to sustain longevity and fulfilling cognitive life. 

Exercise - I know that old chestnut right! As obvious as it might be, this highly recognised way to protect your brain; is engaging in regular aerobic exercise. All the wonderful usual suspects like jogging, swimming, biking, or dancing gets the heart rate up! Aerobic exercise boosts the cardiovascular system and enhances blood flow throughout your body, including your brain. Better circulation of blood means more nutrients getting to your brain. Through a cognitive lens, it improves memory, attention control and information - processing. Get outside and get those juices flowing! 

Diet - As the saying goes  ‘healthy body, healthy mind!’ Generally, the healthiest diet for your body is also the healthiest for your mind. There is so much literature about this! It can spiral us into a state of confusion, as there are so many schools of thought. So I am going to state the obvious: lots of leafy green vegetables, fruits and berries, lean proteins, and whole grains Moderation on all the other stuff may give us the initial ‘yummo’ feel, but in small occasional quantities. Omega -3 fatty acids are a big plus for the brain too, providing protection against cognitive decline. Also try to eat slowly, without distraction. I know this is one I have to pay more attention to! 

Hydration - Water makes up about 60%-70% of our body weight. So water intakes help support, flushing out toxins, increases brain power and provide energy, prevents headaches, and makes us more proactive in our everyday tasks. The amount of water you should be drinking depends on your weight, height and physical activity. Certain foods like cucumber and watermelon hold lots of water and can add to your daily hydration intake. If unsure about how to fully embrace the benefits consult a nutritionist or appropriate medical practitioner. 

Sleep - we spend around ⅓ of our life horizontal, catching those zzzz’s. However, sleep is so vital for brain and body maintenance and functioning. Sleep is critical for properly encoding long-term memories, strengthens our immune systems helping flush out those toxins from the day. I am off for a siesta! 

I end by saying don’t forget to cognitively challenge yourself. This can be in the form of learning a new instrument or language. Enjoying a puzzle or word search task!

I look forward to hearing about your progress!

Mel xxx


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