The Brain Game Changer

How heartfelt stories, awareness and education can change the game.

Founder Melissa Gough

My name is Melissa. I am an educator, traveller, lover of good food and music and overall life learner. I am also a passionate advocate for spreading positivity, creating awareness and education on various topics such as disability, neurodiversity and promoting resilience and hope through adversity.

In May 2021, Melissa's life significantly changed when out of nowhere she suffered a subarachnoid brain haemorrhage (SAH). Being in ICU and hospital for nearly two weeks and then eventually progressing to a slow and gentle recovery at home, showed her just how fragile and precious life can be. Her body was incredibly frail, still at risk of having a post-haemorrhage stroke, whilst her vision and mobility had also been impacted. She was unsure of how her future would look going forward. At the time when the (SAH) occurred Melissa describes herself as "being in a really great space in her life and incredibly healthy." She faced adversities along this path, which impacted her deeply, however week by week, month by month, physical ailments started to improve, and her brain was on the long road to a good recovery.

Experiencing this life changing event, has steered her in the direction of putting pen to paper to write a book as well as create a podcast called The Brain Game Changer: how heartfelt stories, awareness and education can change the game. Melissa strongly believes 'what she went through was not in vain and has a higher purpose as a result.'

The Brain Game Changer

“Game changing starts first and foremost in our minds/attitudes then our actions follow.

- Melissa Gough -

Melissa's intention is that by creating this awareness and sharing with you her knowledge, resources, the experiences that herself and others have endured, one or perhaps many more will resonate with what is shared on the podcast and social media platform, that you too may have your "game changer" for the better.

Overall, the aim of the podcast is to provide hope after adversity, hearing the triumphs after tragedies. Winning the little and huge victories, achieving those milestones. Melissa wants to share the admiration and resilience of amazing humans, determination through the toughest of moments, and optimism after such traumatic events. Life can present a 'new normal' and over time can even take us in new, different, and amazing directions.